Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Thirty-Nine
So many clothes on the bathroom floor.
The need for a little drama.
Sometimes people just need an ear and to feel heard and maybe…what if that was all I did?
What a gift to work in such a beautiful place.
I think of the phrase he shares all the time: Never forget what you had to do to get here.
I tell her that I’m just feeling a little lost this week.
Chop salad. Risotto with Alaskan Halibut. Pinot Grigio, something Italian that I can’t remember. Apple Crisp and espresso.
The first thing they do is check out the appliances. I laugh to myself. They note the amount of storage on the door of the refrigerator.
“Well, he didn’t run out of the house. And I take that as a good sign.”
So much work that still needs to be done.