Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Sixty

  1. Slow to rise.

  2. Bagel run in skirt and sneakers. As I check out we talk about looking forward to summer. Her youngest graduates from high school this year. She can’t wait to relax.

  3. I left the gluten-free donut in the car.

  4. As I prepare to leave, he asks me when was the last time I saw my primary care physician. He says my blood pressure is a little high. I look down at the paper. The numbers mean nothing to me. But I blame it on coffee and anxiety.

  5. It actually feels good to work in this space today. At least there is a little bit of energy here.

  6. Too fast.

  7. It’s always this 3 o’clock call where I am the most self-conscious about the need to do motherly things while also working.

  8. “I thought all cats land on their feet?”

  9. There’s always at least one. And it will be one by one that things here change. I can deal with that.

  10. A loss, but not a bad one considering.