Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Eighty-Seven
Birds, birds, birds.
I remember that she needs things in order to bake the treats for her class.
I get back home and unload the milk, the boxes of brownie mix, the orange juice. No eggs.
I make my way down the stairs and see a carton on the ground. We talk through the window. He is in quarantine like almost everyone I know.
Stress sweat from pivoting on the fly. Frustrated because maybe it shouldn’t have been this hard but all of this is just a learning moment. What will I do differently next time?
Shoot snacks down to the gate house.
Thankfully, we are in the shade. The ceremony is quick - the benefit of being in such a small school They call the names in his class first. No blazer because they were supposed to be in their tye-dye. No more elementary school.
I can barely keep my eyes open.
No air in the office.
The first time in a long time that all five of us are sitting down together for dinner - and talking. So ready for summer.