Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Eighty-Nine

  1. First day.

  2. Last glass of orange juice. Really need to figure out my breakfast situation.

  3. Coffee in the tall tumbler while sorting through emails.

  4. I cannot hear every word, but something is happening and it’s not a good thing. And there’s nothing I can do at the moment to fix it.

  5. Can’t stop sweating.

  6. Noticing a theme.

  7. Solution-oriented.

  8. Too full from lunch to eat dinner. Over-stuffed. I blame emotions.

  9. The Bald and the Beautiful.

  10. I so badly want to sit outside and read in the glow of evening light. But it is too hot and I can not find the right extension cord to blow the leaves off the deck and furniture. But there will be other days for it. Just not today.


Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Ninety


Ten.One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Eighty-Eight