Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Ten

  1. Comfort.

  2. Might be the best way to start the day.

  3. Thick gray skies blanketing the ridge. Feels more like fall, not July.

  4. How is it already July?

  5. I tell her that at least I'm always feel like we get things done.

  6. In the cancelling kind of mood.

  7. Maybe we’re all done. Just done.

  8. Brackets running through the brain.

  9. Tapas.

  10. There is energy here. And wine people. And if we didn't have children, we might have stuck around and gone bowling wwith the new friends-of-a-friend we try to head back to the car. Oh well.

  11. I like my quiet life. Everything in due time.