Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Fifty-Four

  1. Basketball. You do need to love it to want to be at the gym by 6:15am. The things we do for these kids.

  2. No coffee, no coffee, no coffee.

  3. Sometimes you just need to get it off your chest.

  4. I stay in the car because I still have slippers on.

  5. I think I’m finally getting it together.

  6. It really is about the people. It’s the people that can make or break it.

  7. I knock over my water bottle while on the Teams call and try to figure out how disruptive it would be for me to clean it up while she’s talking about something very serious.

  8. I text her to tell her about the water spill because only she’ll get it.

  9. 7th-grade girls’ basketball. So good.

  10. Katya.


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Fifty-Five


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Fifty-Three