Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Sixty

  1. Already?

  2. I look out the window and see the thick, thick fog, the pale gray light of morning.

  3. Hot water in the mug.

  4. Where did I put it?

  5. “I just want a room,” I say.

  6. “I’m just about the path of least resistance today.”

  7. I needed that moment as much as she did.

  8. He calls and tells me the van blew past the gate. SOS.

  9. Head spinning.

  10. All of that for maybe nothing.

  11. It just helps to know I’m not alone.

  12. I stare out the window of the cart. Watercolor sky. On the plus side, I get to go home.

  13. All of the emotions and yet not feeling them at the same time.


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Sixty-One


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Fifty-Nine