Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Thirty

  1. I think I still hear the rain.

  2. I go outside to start the car. The phone is ringing in my hand as I walk back into the house. My physical therapy is canceled.

  3. Then the Nixle alerts start to come in.

  4. Snow. Real snow. Imagine that. But not for us here on the floor.

  5. As we drive into town, we see the bright snow filling the gaps between the trees on top of the mountains. Mayacamas and Vacas covered in white.

  6. I tell her that it’s time to

  7. I didn’t realize I was in charge of that.

  8. I didn’t realize I was going to be doing that, either.

  9. Burgers and duck fat fries, and lemon cake for dessert.

  10. So much, and yet it’s still not enough.


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Thirty-One


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Thirty