Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Sixty

  1. Raindrops.

  2. The bigger question is, what is this going to do to my hair?

  3. Rain. And more rain. Harder rain.

  4. Where is Paul?

  5. Rainy day property tour.

  6. I mean, but really. What would I do without my work wife?

  7. There is not enough carnitas in this box. What’s the point?

  8. Not surprised.

  9. I can hear my anger in my voice but I can’t stop moving my mouth. But I speak only truth so there is that.

  10. All of that for this?

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Sixty-One


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Fifty-Nine