Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Ninety-Nine

  1. Deep stretch.

  2. Pouring cold decaf down the drain.

  3. The four of us at the table for a real conversation. Will it finally click? I keep telling them that they’re running out of t

  4. Coffee with a friend on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

  5. She asks me if I’m doing anything for Superbowl. No. Absolutely not. I have so much film to watch and a whole week to prepare for and what I really want is another day.

  6. Buying ice cream that I will never eat.

  7. Feet by the fire.

  8. “Let go or be dragged.”

  9. Too little time for dreaming.

  10. Patterns.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, Four Hundred


Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Ninety-Eight