Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Eight

  1. Don’t want to get up.

  2. Struggling. That tightness in the clavicle and the numbness in my elbow. Yoga is hard today.

  3. Meal plan drudgery.

  4. The sun is already coming out.

  5. “What happened to the mirror?” “What?” Must have been the carwash.

  6. I don’t want to do anything, and I am trying not to feel bad about it.

  7. No work.

  8. Mandalorian time. This looks more fun to him now.

  9. Six instead of seven.

  10. School night. Phone retrieval. Not too much fighting about it.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Nine


Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Seven