Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Three

  1. Tomorrow is the first day of school.

  2. How is all of this going to work? We’ll make a way someway.

  3. The back of the golf cart is a different experience. More like a ride. The cool morning air slips through the opening of my blazer.

  4. Late.

  5. Distracted by all of the things.

  6. Most of parenthood is logistics management. Who needs to be where when, and how will they get there, and how much will it cost?

  7. What would be ideal?

  8. She says it was nice; it was worth it.

  9. All of this year has been like this.

  10. Back to school.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Four


Ten.Two Thousand & Ninety-Two