Ten.Two Thousand & Sixty-Four
Monday. Feels like the right day for the white dress.
I did indeed leave it here.
I thought I would have time to read, but not today. Best to just get on with it.
I go to the bathroom even though I don’t really need to go to the bathroom because it feels like the most right thing to do at the moment.
I know what’s happening here, and I am not surprised.
I choose a different door.
1, 2, 1, 2. 1, 2, 5. I should take more boxing lessons. I tell her that it reminds me of Tae Bo with Billy Blanks. She’s too young to remember that.
It only happens in the summer: the sunlight and the glittering bugs and the golden tinge of the leaves.
He argues that microwave popcorn tastes the same as movie theater popcorn, and I strongly disagree. And he is going to have to come with me and watch Mission Impossible.
“Hope is not a strategy.” But. Maybe it is.