Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Five

  1. Summer’s morning light.

  2. Peonies bursting open. Summer is here.

  3. Never one to shy away from the audacious.

  4. There is something different about him today. Tired, maybe? Worried, maybe? Just life, maybe?

  5. Realizing that there is still so much that you don’t know but I do love a good presentation.

  6. Wondering if it’s better for me to sit and be quiet, keep my thoughts to myself. People have a hard time with the ones who are always asking questions.

  7. A 2 a.m. arrival? I know we’re all groaning on the inside.

  8. One more chapter.

  9. These long talks at the dinner table when no one is in a rush to get up, and the words keep flowing, and you think to yourself, “This isn’t so bad.”

  10. Friday.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Six


Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Four