Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Eight

  1. Didn’t we fall back?

  2. Today feels like the right day.

  3. I watch the landscape flash by as we drive. I don’t say much; I just look at my phone and think of what to say back to her, check the address of the destination, confirm that it is indeed not raining there.

  4. I wonder if she will recognize me. She does.

  5. Babydoll sheep. A noisy rooster. A cow. We find the yarrow, and the hummingbirds, and the hollyhocks.

  6. First, she shows us the chapel made of straw, earth, and sand before showing us the barn with its large sliding doors and clear windows. A bird is flitting about, trying to find her way out. It feels symbolic.

  7. I was 37 and wondering if this was what my life was going to be: laundry and kids and drinking wine with the neighbors.

  8. In the dream, I watch him drive the car off the little cliff. Maybe I’m actually not ready for him to drive.

  9. They ask me how my blood pressure is doing. Sigh.

  10. Chicken pot pie. I tell him about my dream and he tells me I’m a D1 hater.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Nine


Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Seven