Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Six

  1. So. Tired.

  2. Everyone is very tired.

  3. Mind is spinning - spiraling. For several minutes, everything feels wrong and not right and scary and hopeless. I make myself some tea and begin to list gratitudes. I think about practice this afternoon and feel the relief of knowing that there will be laughter there.

  4. Not enough tea in the world to keep me warm by this window.

  5. Grown-up lunchable and more tea to try to warm myself up.

  6. I’m still a little bit disorganized.

  7. I need a week of working from home. Maybe that will help.

  8. Mango.

  9. It’s an experiment; I think it will be a good one.

  10. Sometimes, you just want to do something familiar like boil water and slice the garlic bread. Sometimes, you need those simple and familiar things to make everything better.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Seven


Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Five