Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Twenty-Two
A Tuesday that feels like a Monday.
She says she’s not feeling well. I am annoyed.
She takes my blood pressure three times - twice with the machine and once by hand to confirm. I hear the Physician’s Assistant exclaiming. I know that it’s high, the highest I’ve ever seen, but I’ve never heard anyone get that upset.
“What’s going on?” So much is going on, but I don’t think this is the place, nor do we have enough time. I need to come back in two weeks.
I know the things that need to be done. I just need to take the time to do them.
A text message with a positive Covid test.
A text message that another child threw up and is being picked up from school.
A steady flow.
It is clear to me that there is some kind of narrative being spun, and it is based on lies. I tell her how she said to me on the phone before this all happened that sometimes “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.”
I miss The Dolphin House.