Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Four

  1. Could really use another six hours.

  2. Perfect foam on the decaf brings such delight.

  3. Squeezing in a little bit of time to talk about life. Much needed. Sometimes you forget how nice it is to have someone who knows the you from before.

  4. Only one more week. Just one more week.

  5. “How are you doing everything you’re doing?”

  6. Transformative vs. Transactional.

  7. I just need a nap.

  8. A screen full of women spending one hour talking about basketball, problem-solving basketball, laughing about basketball.

  9. That mask.

  10. Ready for it not to be 100 degrees.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Five


Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Three