Ten.Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Ninety
Another gray start to the day.
“Look! There are people in there!”
I look down and see the screenshot. Is it crazy that I am seriously considering it?
He says that he could tell by the tone of my voice that I’m irritated. It’s just that I want them to figure out how to have a bone in their body.
The hours are slipping away. All I can do is surrender to the passage of time. Today. Always.
A new driver. She’s a happy, kind one, too.
What could we have done differently to have a more desirable outcome?
Laughter in the locker room after a weird, long week. That’s all I really want.
Turns out I’m missing a really great game.
A cheeseburger at midnight before heading to the hotel because even though I’m too tired to eat an entire meal, I know I need something. I can feel my stomach growling. Can I get at least two hours of sleep before that 3:30 a.m. shuttle?
No contact solution. No contacts.