Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Four
The color of the sky.
Bits of ash fall onto the windshield. He asks if it’s pollen. No. It’s from the fires.
I can see for myself how much greater the range of motion is in his hip. It wasn’t all for nothing. He calls someone as soon as we walk out of the hospital.
That feeling when you take the time to learn a new tool and then implement that tool successfully, only to know that you are the only person in the company who will probably ever use it because user adoption in traditional business settings is always so slow.
“An invitation.”
Maybe the time is right right now. What does my gut say?
An order of n95s.
As long as there’s enough food to go around.
He’s talking about dunking in tomorrow’s scrimmage. Oh, boy.
I watch Drag Race All-Stars and make twists while he watches clips of 2012 NBA finals games on his phone. “Who was better? Tony Parker or Manu?” he asks. “They’re different. They complemented one another. I don’t know if it’s fair to say one was better.”
“Sometimes you forget how many good players there were back then.”