Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Eight

  1. Why am I so hot?

  2. Coffee in my chair instead of drop-off.

  3. The usual walk toward the car, and a bird bursts from a tree, and then hundreds of bugs flit about. They look like miniature dragonflies but almost translucent.

  4. Tuesday = loud.

  5. Lunchtime escape. Dim sum and wine.

  6. They say the very things we’ve been saying at home. If I could have recorded it. But it just affirms that we know what we know. We know what we know.

  7. I take my call outside on the dusty picnic table. It’s 101 degrees but bearable in the shade. The honk of the wine train

  8. Found another one.

  9. No one knows what to do with me.

  10. “May your private expounding carry the fullness of these insights. Remain vast, steadfast, and trustworthy.”

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Eight


Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Seven