Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Three

  1. Thursday.

  2. A few breaths out on the deck, watching a beam of sunlight squeeze between the trees.

  3. A hummingbird just outside the window. Where did she come from? I have nothing here for her here.

  4. I unpack my bag and realize that I left my thermos of coffee at home. Sometimes, you just want your drip, not a Nespresso.

  5. What I like about peak season is being reminded of how lucky we are to live in a place that people want to come to for vacation. So I’ll be a little more patient while waiting at Gott’s. Only a little.

  6. I probably sound confused.

  7. But the snacks.

  8. It’s perfect in the shade. A preview of what’s to come for the next several months.

  9. They just want to be free.

  10. “I trust myself.”

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Four


Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Two