Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Three
A few breaths out on the deck, watching a beam of sunlight squeeze between the trees.
A hummingbird just outside the window. Where did she come from? I have nothing here for her here.
I unpack my bag and realize that I left my thermos of coffee at home. Sometimes, you just want your drip, not a Nespresso.
What I like about peak season is being reminded of how lucky we are to live in a place that people want to come to for vacation. So I’ll be a little more patient while waiting at Gott’s. Only a little.
I probably sound confused.
But the snacks.
It’s perfect in the shade. A preview of what’s to come for the next several months.
They just want to be free.
“I trust myself.”
Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Two
Smoothie time.
I start to iron the dress and then decide that it’s going to be a work-from-home-wear-your-jeans kind of day.
Fried chicken sandwich and truffle fries and some blanc de blancs plus a conveyor belt full of hugs I am more than happy to give. I mean it when I say I miss them all.
Time for daydreams.
I still need to fix my face.
The score doesn’t matter, but it also kind of does.
It’s these car rides that so much good happens.
This might actually be good for both of us.
I need a friend like them.
"If we opened people up, we’d find landscapes."- Agnes Varda
Ten.Two Thousand, Two hundred & Thirty-One
It feels like fall.
The crunch of dead oak leaves underfoot—under these croc-clod feet.
“We talk about our lives in stories.”
Lunch at the picnic table outside because it’s the perfect temperature and it’s quiet. Now, if only there were a walking path.
It’s only because you care.
“You can win as long as you keep your head to the sky / You can win as long as you keep your head to the sky / Face toward the sky / Be optimistic” - Optimistic
What are the things I miss the most?
“I accept myself completely.”
Already a very, very long week.
“There’s nothing more exciting than when someone exercises their inner courage.”
Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty
Monday, Monday, Monday.
Gratitude for a late start on a cool morning.
Slivers of morning light slicing through the fog.
“Artists help the world see.”
“It’s giving me confusion.”
I find the chairs on the side of the building and sit down in the sun. I need the fresh air, the natural light.
5 leadership questions - Coach Cori Close, UCLA Women’s Basketball
What does it look and feel like to be led by me?
Is anyone actually following my lead, and am I worth following?
Am I genuinely connecting or serving one person with intentionality today?
What behaviors am I seeing that reflect what our culture actually is? Do I like what I see, and what do I need to address?
How am I modeling the growth and character I expect from the people I serve? How am I modeling my values in my own day-to-day choices?
Before the next meeting, I go through and block out all my time: drop-off, pick-up, and the first few football games.
He says these feelings are good because now I sound motivated.
I miss having her here, bouncing off ideas, problem-solving, and seeing her with the other girls. Next season won’t be the same without her.
Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Twenty-Nine
The goats are very whiny this morning.
I take a blanket out onto the patio this morning. The fog is still quite thick, and there is no sun out yet to warm the body. It reminds me of fall.
Gratitude for the littlest of things.
The downside of online grocery orders is the inability to buy flowers.
Coffee and Kirk Franklin and morning pages.
Keep watching. Keep crying.
Yes. It’s time.
If I can figure out how never to go back into the grocery store…
I do miss that little face. He’s going to look so big when he gets back. One week down, two more to go.
“Where I want to go, I can’t get there alone.”