Ten.One Hundred & Forty-Six
1. I don’t make it downstairs until almost 8 and I feel the best I’ve felt all week.
2. Toasted crossiant and fruit and coffee.
3. We plan for the meals of the day: what will be cooked, when and what will go where, how long does is all need.
4. It’s so sunny today. We look up at the chandelier.
5. I sit on the semi-circle driveway, find a place in the sun, and begin to write. The neighbor from across the street honks his horn at me and says something I and understand but I’m sure it was Happy Thanksgiving.
6. The food is good and familiar and after we’re done we make my auntie a bitmoji.
7. Then the topic turns to genealogy, the history of the names and personalities of people from another place and time.
8. I wish I knew more.
9. We are a family of storytellers.
10. Happy Thanksgiving.