Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.Four Hundred & Four

1. There's the palest shade of blue in the sky this morning and a bit of dusty rose rising to meet it as the sun comes up. 

2. I don't even know if you can tell that I pruned away so much vegetation. Everything still seems to be leaping out of containment. 

3. Water, water, water. Everything is so dry. Drier than I ever remember. 

4. I take us to the trampoline park for a belated birthday celebration. After the first few jumps I don't regret this morning out. All the anxiety exits the body. I am grateful for my body's ability to be able to move in this way. I will be sore tomorrow. 

5. Smells Like Teen Spirit. 

6. I am sweaty and stinky. I can't remember if I put on deodorant today. It feels like once I committed to wearing only natural deodorant, I forget to wear deodorant period. Which is not like me. Or maybe it's just that we're all using the same bathroom so that I don't have to clean so much while the house is on the market and because I am not where I normally am, routines have fallen apart. 

7. The one thing is that this car does have a working radio and I forget how much I miss driving with music blaring.

8. The kid wants a family movie night before school starts. This means, a movie on Sunday night. I want to not forget this request because it's from the almost-11-year-old and I love that he still wants to do things with us.

9. Riesling from the Fingerlakes. Thai-inspired recipe by Rachel Ray. I will need to put this one in the newsletter. 

10. A little bit of ice cream. Everything is changing. "God is Change."