Ten.Six Hundred & Twelve
The sound of rain dripping from the gutter.
Yeah, these really taste good. Not the healthiest but definitely tasty.
A crack of sunshine on a cloudy morning. I start to close the garage door and then he yells, “Mom! Mom! What about Nora?!” We laugh. I open the garage door back up and see her standing in the doorway. Oh jeez. Twice in one week I’ve almost forgotten her. Pretty sure she’ll be telling her therapist about this in twenty years.
School. She has a stomach ache and a fever.
The phone cut out at 4 hours. We’ve been on the phone for 4 hours. We laugh.
Now he’s asleep on the sofa. Is he sick too?
Tomatoes and garlic roasting in the oven. Rosemary focaccia.
He’s still sleeping.
Heart chakra oil.