Ten.Seven Hundred & Sixty
A no-make kind of morning. I lay out the bagels and the toaster and some softened butter, apples and grapes and oranges.
The last bit of chai. Must pick up ginger and honey on the way home.
There is so much to say. So much that can’t fit into a square but I will try anyway. I will say something. I miss my people. I think to something Krista said on the podcast about aloneness versus loneliness and whether or not we conflate the two. I love my aloneness but I the feeling of loneliness has been overwhelming these past few months. What will shift that?
Always so good to see her face and hear her voice and to soak in her wisdom. Two months until we get to hug in the flesh. Two months.
This visit was better than the last but I still don’t know if he’s the one I want to remove this tooth. Trust your gut.
I get the pork fried rice to go because it really is just that good and the sushi didn’t hit the spot. I’ve been forever spoiled by all those lunches at Roka.
New Moon spread. More truth.
“I know that if I don’t focus on innovating how I do my work, I won’t feel alive when I do it.” - via Chani Nicholas
I can feel my entire body vibrating. Or is that blood boiling? Or is that nerves? Or is that the same thing that’s causing my hands to go numb when we go for walks?
I think of how much goodness is coming in the next few months. Dreaming will help. Solo travel will help. The lake will help. Being with kindreds will help.