Ten.Nine Hundred & Sixteen

  1. Late. Later than usual. What to make for breakfast?

  2. Still asleep. Monday is going to be rough. What can I do today to prepare for tomorrow? I feel like the answer is to just rest.

  3. Simple breakfast. I take my coffee and journal back to bed even though I’m fully clothed. The softness of the down comforter.

  4. Remove all the ornaments from the tree. This podcast always makes me laugh but today I giggle even more. “I just don’t care what people think about me. I don’t care what strangers think about me.” Yeah, there is definitely a lot of freedom to be found in not caring.

  5. She asks what the book is. I give her the title but confess that it’s not a book I would ever recommend to anyone because the bulk of it is maybe too dangerous.

  6. I tell her that her message was a sign. That I’d literally been journaling about this over the past few days and her message was exactly what I needed to encourage me to move forward.

  7. Hummingbird floating about the street, not even near a tree, just hovering there. I stop and stare at it. I laugh. I think of its medicine: adaptability, optimism, presence, swiftness, independence.

  8. Three pink roses.

  9. Rest.

  10. Back to the evening checklist.


Ten.Nine Hundred & Seventeen


Ten.Nine Hundred & Fifteen