Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Three

  1. Not enough sleep. B

  2. The same man in blue jeans, making a comment about me being the one already working while everyone else is asleep.

  3. Music in the headphones while I work. Another baseball player getting off on the wrong floor.

  4. I need to do my hair, but I don’t have what I need to do my hair.

  5. Well, it just wasn’t the right fit. And that’s okay because I don’t really have the time.

  6. Better today.

  7. Test shots. This will actually yield more interesting pictures. Tomorrow will be even better. It’s hot in front of these windows.

  8. A familiar face in all of the madness. Champagne. Apocalyptic sun. Gratitudes.

  9. So smokey.

  10. He says that I seem like I’m in a better mood. I tell him it’s because I got to be creative today.

  11. The next place won’t be as beautiful as this, but I just need a dishwasher and a stove and to be able to have more than a bag of grapes in a refrigerator.


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Four


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Eighty-Two