Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Three

  1. He’s up too. Good. I can turn on the light.

  2. I pick a comfortable outfit and then remember that I have to go to the winery and meet people for their pick-ups.

  3. If I’m meeting people for their pick-ups, that means I need to do my hair. Why did I take out my twists last night?!

  4. I love our Skype calls. We start out by laughing at me and my V8 juice. I tell her I bought a whole flat of them from Costco and she laughs even harder. “I’m an old lady on the inside,” I say.

  5. I realize that I didn’t factor in white space in my weekend and this saddens me.

  6. Vallejo for hair.

  7. I wait and wait. Walk around the winery, taking pictures of plants and the chickens and the mustard.

  8. Never wait until Saturday to clean.

  9. Wash day. The water is never hot enough.

  10. I stare at them a lot and I think it’s probably normal. I’m sure most parents just stare at their children.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Four


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Two