Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Four

  1. Up before the alarm. Back to the canned ocean waves.

  2. Call rescheduled.

  3. I set up the bathroom: hair, water, V8, laptop. What to watch? Should I or shouldn’t I? Let’s give it a shot.

  4. I understand the critiques, but it is well written and exciting and, thank goodness I am stuck to this chair for at least five hours because it means I can binge the whole thing.

  5. How is this even a question?

  6. Truly, no peace.

  7. He wants to be angry, but he is laughing, which means maybe we will get somewhere with this after all.

  8. I bribe him with ice cream.

  9. I have to miss the family call.

  10. He’s a 28x32. His father is a 32x32. He is not far behind. He is getting taller than me every day.

  11. We chase one another around the dining room table, trying to snap the towels against one another’s skin.

  12. I tell him that I was in a good mood because it was the first day in a long time that I didn’t think about work. I relaxed. I took delight. I was engrossed in something completely unrelated to my productivity. Real rest.


Ten. One Thousand, Three Hundred & Four


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Three