Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventy-Eight

  1. Weary.

  2. I drink my coffee slowly, watch the oat milk foam drift.

  3. Excuses.

  4. The more they talk, the more I realize just how little work they’ve done to understand the issues at hand.

  5. Remembering that it makes people more uncomfortable when you remain so calm.

  6. I have him take me to The Station for a ham and cheese croissant and a chai latte because I’m just eating my feelings.

  7. Second shot done.

  8. “Excuse me. Was that gentleman back there your husband?” “Yes.” “Okay. Have a great day.” He walks away. “Today has been a weird day.”

  9. But this view.

  10. So tired.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventy-Nine


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventy-Seven