Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Two

  1. Up before the alarm. Bats flitting about.

  2. I choose the white dress instead. Why not give it a shot.

  3. Leftover baked potato for breakfast. Almost a week with no caffeine. Adjusting.

  4. Forgot my charger.

  5. At the end of the day, no matter how much we don’t believe we do, we all crave validation.

  6. I tell her that my problem is that I don’t have a poker face. I can’t say something if I don’t believe it.

  7. Finally a full afternoon with no interruptions to get things done.

  8. Back to reading the cookbook to slow down my mind. I give myself a time-out. I’m spending too much time complaining and not enough time being grateful.

  9. I text him back to let him know that I am indeed ok. Just busy with life. Just pondering the purpose of life.

  10. I start to fall asleep again on the deck.


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Three


Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & One