Ten.One Thousand, Eight Hundred & Three
The kinds of sounds an empty stomach makes.
Confronted with the reality of the passage of time.
I do miss doing these kinds of walks on a regular basis. How do I fit more of this into my daily routine?
What do I need to work on? Where are the areas that need improving?
I tell her that I try to remind myself that the sense of time here is different. It is still taking some time to get used to it.
He keeps asking me if he can make me something to eat, and I keep telling him I’m not hungry, while also sticking my hands into the bag of dill pickle chips.
I thought he said the new Jurassic Parks are no good.
I ask him if it was everything he thought it would be. “More, actually,” he says, before proceeding to tell me about the new dinosaurs he’d forgotten about.
Gratitude for what is.
Wine on the deck as the evening light fades.