Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Eight

  1. Cool morning breeze.

  2. A text message with another positive test. Great.

  3. He really will not let us out of the room.

  4. I am feeling antsy even though I am still tired. Wanting to do everything and nothing.

  5. PB & J.

  6. I tell him there was something else I was going to say but that I can’t remember. He laughs and calls it Covid brain.

  7. He pulls his chair up to the computer screen for the family call. “Well, so here we are in our Covid cave.” A collective groan.

  8. We sit on the bed and play Battleship and War. I beat him three times in checkers, though each time is better than the last.

  9. Just one more night. Hopefully.

  10. Then again, am I ready to return?


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Nine


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Six