Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Nine

  1. Up later than usual but still early.

  2. The golf course is white with frost.

  3. I get ready as if everything is normal, preparing for the day as if the test will come back negative and I can resume life as normal.

  4. The line is still there. Of course it is.

  5. I did forget the pot of soup on the stove.

  6. I mean, spilling tomato soup on my bed was the risk I was willing to take.

  7. Taking way too long to write this handful of paragraphs.

  8. Back to phone calls.

  9. What needs to leave? What can stay?

  10. I watch the game from the sofa, with my mask on, scorebook in my hand. Not the way I wanted to start off the season. But this is just one of 26. So close, but so far. But there is potential here.


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Ten


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Eight