Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Ninety-Four

  1. Cold. What a difference a few days makes.

  2. V8.

  3. I laugh at myself. My math was all wrong. Way off. There are only 58 days now.

  4. A table full of generosity.

  5. He gets it, and I think he gets that I get it. We both get it, and that’s why we get along.

  6. I say something about organizing the files on my computer because if I leave, it will be so embarrassing.

  7. Energetic Properties & Uses of carnelian crystal: increases vitality, humanifestation, ignites creativity, transmutes the element of fire, reconnection to the physical self, risk-taking, courage, and main character energy.

  8. Will it really rain, though?

  9. “It feels like November.”

  10. Too much goodness.

alisha sommer
Writer & Freelance Creative

Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Ninety-Five


Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Ninety-Three