Ten.One Thousand, Nine Hundred & Ninety-Two
So grateful for the time change.
Sweeping crumbs of dried leaves and rose petals out of the backseat of the car.
I still can’t believe he thought he could drive this thing.
I am, perhaps, more relaxed than the others today because I know where to set my expectations.
Their enthusiasm is making me even more excited.
It’s so busy here. So many people. So many cars. So many buildings. So different from the peace and quiet of St. Helena. I think back to last week when I said that things are so hard right now, but still, I am in love with this life I’ve manifested here.
Asleep in the backseat. Three games back-to-back-to-back will do that to you.
Just so many words.
Trust yourself.
I need a carwash.